
2019 Októberében részt vettem a keralai idegenforgalmi minisztérium és az Ayurveda Promotional Society szervezésében egy két hetes Ayurveda nagyköveti programban, ahol közel 50 Ayurvedával kapcsolatos intézményt kerestünk fel, és óriási, kiterjedt kapcsolati tőkére tettem szert.

Személyesen is kipróbáltam az Ayurveda jótékony hatását, már korábban egy balesetem utáni rehabilitációban és most is. Elkötelezett híve vagyok ennek a gyógyászatnak, hiszen saját magamon is tapasztaltam jótékony hatását.


Van pár intézmény Keralában amelyek személyes véleményem alapján a legjobbak, és profi elkötelezett csapattal dolgozva segítenek egészségünk megtartásában, helyreállításában, őket merem nyugodt szívvel ajánlani, és tanácsadóként segíteni, hogy mindenki a legjobb, személyes igényeinek megfelelő helyre menjen feltöltődni, regenerálódni, gyógyulni.

General Information

Ayurveda can be defined as a system, which uses the inherent principles of nature, to help maintain health in a person by keeping the individual’s body, mind and spirit in perfect equilibrium with nature. Ayurveda is a Sanskrit term, made up of the words “ayus” and “veda.” “Ayus” means life and “Veda” means knowledge or science. The term “ayurveda” thus means ‘the knowledge of life’ or ‘the science of life’. According to the ancient Ayurvedic scholar Charaka, “ayu” comprises the mind, body, senses and the soul. Widely regarded as the oldest form of healthcare in the world, Ayurveda is an intricate medical system that originated in India thousands of years ago. The fundamentals of Ayurveda can be found in Hindu scriptures called the Vedas.The aim of this system is to prevent illness, heal the sick and preserve life.

Basic Principles of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is based on the premise that the universe is made up of five elements: air, fire, water, earth and ether. These elements are represented in humans by three “doshas”, or energies: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. When any of the doshas accumulate in the body beyond the desirable limit, the body loses its balance. Every individual has a distinct balance, and our health and well-being depend on getting a right balance of the three doshas (“tridoshas”). Ayurveda suggests specific lifestyle and nutritional guidelines to help individuals reduce the excess dosha.

A healthy person, as defined in SushrutSamhita, one of the primary works on Ayurveda, is “he whose doshas are in balance, appetite is good, all tissues of the body and all natural urges are functioning properly, and whose mind, body and spirit are cheerful…”

‘Tridosha’ or the Theory of Bio-energies

The three doshas, or bio-energies found in our body are:

Vata pertains to air and ether elements. This energy is generally seen as the force, which directs nerve impulses, circulation, respiration, and elimination.

Kapha pertains to water and earth elements. Kapha is responsible for growth and protection. The mucosal lining of the stomach and the cerebral-spinal fluid that protects the brain and spinal column are examples of kapha.

Pitta pertains to fire and water elements. This dosha governs metabolism, e.g., the transformation of foods into nutrients. Pitta is also responsible for metabolism in the organ and tissue systems.

Ayurvedic treatment is broadly of two types, PanchaKarmam and Shamanam. Shamanam is a treatment that purges the disease and its symptoms through Kshut (fasting), TritNigraham (restriction of fluids), Vyayamam (exercise), Atapaseva (sun rays), MarutaSeva (breeze of air), along with herbal medicines.

‘Panchakarma’ or the Therapy of Purification

If toxins in the body accumulate, then a cleansing process known as panchakarma is recommended to purge these unwanted toxins. This fivefold purification therapy is a classical form of treatment in Ayurveda. These specialized procedures consist of the following:

• Therapeutic vomiting or emesis (Vamanam)

• Purgation (Virechanam)

• Enema (Vasti)

• Elimination of toxins through the nose (Nasyam)

• Bloodletting or detoxification of the blood (Raktamoksham)





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